The image and style consulting services help you to build a better personal and professional image, focusing on important aspects such as your self-esteem, your personal taste and your personal values and beliefs.
Style Neuf is a Brazilian company with more than twenty professionals working hard to revolutionize the image consulting market worldwide.
Our goal is to help each client to develop their personal image based on a deep analysis of who they are and how they want to be perceived by the world.

At Neuf, the online image consulting is 100% personalized for each person, making sure to keep the same level of excellence of our in-person services.
By using technology in our favour, we were able to develop exclusive tools for our image and style consulting services.
By hiring one of the image consultants at Neuf, you can expect a more dynamic and fun process with the Style Game, Lines and Shapes game and Intuitive Colour Game.
You can also enjoy having your whole image consulting process and details on your hand with MOSTY App.
With thousands of clients and over three hundred reviews, we reached the five-star mark on Google!
Still, we keep working hard and seeking excellence, providing the best services and experiences to our clients worldwide.